J'oublie la grisaille qui surplombe la ville depuis plusieurs jours et je m'imagine errant dans cet ensoleillé loft milanais... Source : Elle Decor
Have you noticed how the homes displayed in interior design magazines are always perfectly in order? They’re like show homes: no dust anywhere, no toys on the floor... As if somebody was constantly cleaning. Most of us obviously don't live like that. And the homes on the pictures don't always belong to clean freaks. They were pampered for a ...
It’s been snowing all day in Montreal. The streets, the roofs, parked cars are entirely covered in sparkling snow. It’s pretty to watch from a window, a bit less pleasant if you have to go outside and actually face the storm (I had to, like most Montrealers). It’s the type of day when you wish you could just sleep in, ...
Bénéficier d’une belle vue a indéniablement une connotation prestigieuse, qu’il soit question de la fenestration d’un somptueux bureau au centre-ville ou de celle d’un appartement situé au haut d’une tour vertigineuse. C’est le luxe! Lors de mon dernier séjour à Paris, j’ai visité la boutique d’un antiquaire spécialisé dans les cadres anciens. Un des cadres exposés m’a tout de suite ...
Like a novel... Credit: Seen on Lavish Locations but the image (and bed) is from FrenchBedroom.co.uk Sources: 1, 2-11
Home of a fashion designer, an art gallery owner and their two little girls, this stylish Manhattan townhouse is a real showstopper. Source: Elle Decor