En terme de décor, rien n'est plus neutre qu'un espace noir et blanc. Simple et sophistiqué, masculin comme féminin, l'agencement de ces deux teintes est idéal pour mettre en valeur les formes, les matières, les textures, les imprimés et les oeuvres d'art. Source : Jelanie Shop
I love this place. Not only was the owner able to make his masculine space look both elegant and classy but he also managed to make the 600-square-foot loft look bigger with a clever layout and well-chosen furniture. With its good-sized sectional sofa and bed, this decor is the proof that small spaces don’t have to imply the use of ...
Le mannequin de 30 ans qui habite cet appartement de Stockholm affiche son côté audacieux avec des accessoires gothiques, des photographies osées et l'usage du noir, mais le fond blanc vient adoucir le tout et crée un univers distingué et attrayant. J'aime particulièrement la façon dont les cadres, magazines et objets favoris du propriétaire sont disposés sur des tablettes flottantes, ...
Now this is one bachelor pad I’d be willing to move into. Masculine colors and patterns mixed with some delicate textures and even feminine details, I would say. This South Orange (New Jersey) house demonstrates a good compromise between masculine touch and feminine flair, don't you think? Source: Elle Decor
Lately, a couple of my guy friends have been moving into what we like to call "Bachelor pads". Some of them have been asking me for interior design tips and it made me realize that most of the pictures I post on this blog have a feminine flair that guys can't necessarily relate to. So, especially for them, I've assembled ...